Friday, September 17, 2010


September 17, 2010
11;27 p.m

I Sit And I Scroll Down My aim Buddylist, i scroll down my facebook page
I Notice the thingss people say on they aways , and their status, and simple things they do.

then i ask to myself what is this world coming to?

then i noticee there is really two groupss in this world, there's the group of people that want to do something with their lives, the people who want to make a change, make the world a better place, make something out of their livess. then there is the group who are losers, lames , people who just are questioned as to why they exist in the world? as if they are just here to make and appearance. the sit around and do nothing with their lives, they don't really caree about whats going on in the world today.

Jordan Nicole.

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