Sunday, November 14, 2010

Smokey :-*

As some of you may know smokey was my first dog, he was my life he was my favorite dog , everyonee loved him, he was my protector , he was the man of my life lol , i loved him with all my might , i took him for walks everyday, gave him treats , played with him, man he even use to take meeh to school in the morning :-*

until one day he was eating by a pitbull , but yet i still remember him and love him he will alwaysss be my first dog :-*

The Idk Feeling :'/

Some Times I Get This Idk Feeling,
Where i tend to not feel like myself,
i tend to not know what to feel?
what to think?
i tend to get this certain feeling that runs through my soul
i tend not to know who i am
what is my purpose on this earth?
who are my real friends?
who loves meeh like they say they do?
can i trust you ,you, you or you?
idk what to say or do?
idk if i need help?
idk if i know what to feel or how i should?
mayneee i just dont know
it's that idk feeling :'/


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Music To My Ears,

When I Listen To Music ,

It's Like Im Meditating ,

It Calms My Soul,

It makes Me Feel Warm ,

When I Listen To R&B , It's Like Poetry

When I Listen To Music I Zone Out

When I Listen To Music It's Like I'm Listening To My Life Story

Some Songs Seem As If They Were Made Especially for You

Music Music Music :-*

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time To Make A Change.

It's Time to Make A Change, its time to grow up and realize life isin't easy, nothing in life is going to be handed to you, you have to earn your living. young teenagers today need to realize that you need to take school serious , take it serious becuase if you don't have an education , your not going to make it in life. having an education can get you many places. its all about making a change. as i look at my generation today , i realise there is 95% not doing anything at all , and im questioning why are they evern here? what do they do with their lives? do they know what's going on in our economy today? this world? Do They? its rediculous how you can just observee and see that the world is crashing down.

It's Time to Make The World A Better Place, Makeee Your Lives Better , Prepare Yourself's For the finer things In Life.

Learn How To Never Settle for Less.

Make A Difference.

Jordan Nicolee,


September 17, 2010
11;27 p.m

I Sit And I Scroll Down My aim Buddylist, i scroll down my facebook page
I Notice the thingss people say on they aways , and their status, and simple things they do.

then i ask to myself what is this world coming to?

then i noticee there is really two groupss in this world, there's the group of people that want to do something with their lives, the people who want to make a change, make the world a better place, make something out of their livess. then there is the group who are losers, lames , people who just are questioned as to why they exist in the world? as if they are just here to make and appearance. the sit around and do nothing with their lives, they don't really caree about whats going on in the world today.

Jordan Nicole.

Friday, August 20, 2010


FAKEEEEE People, Why Is there So Many Fake People In The World Today, You never know who you can trust, you never know who's fake or real, fakeness may even be within the oness you love, the oness that say they love you they might be lying becuase they have FAKEEness running through their BLOOD.
Honestly I Hate FAKEEEE people. To learn that people that you trusted are FAKEEE Breakss My Heart. FAKEEEEE PEOPLE Need To BLOW Up. I dnt understand the point of being FAKEEE with someone When All You Gotta Do is be reeal-_-

Just know that FAKEEEEEE PEOPLE WIll BLOW UP Trynna Mess W.Mee.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Growing Up

The hardest part about growing up is letting go with what you have been accustomed to and moving on with something that you haven't experienced yet.

When You Grow Up It Means To MATURE , To Develop New Things

I Believe At A Point In Everyones Life You Should Grow up.

We All Have To Make A change You Have To Grow Up To Be Mature, To Get Your Life On Track.